Da Count: Angels Bowling Friday, May 29 2009 

dacountIt was cooler outside than inside last night and there was news of a Thunderstorm coming into Fresno. After dinner and ice cream (YES! I finally went and got what I was craving a while back!!! That’s Da Count worthy in itself!) we went back to the house and watched some Animal Planet. The door was open and sudden flashes of light were off in the distance.

We went outside and saw lightening flash, we could see the clouds light up. It was an odd time because you couldn’t yet hear the thunder, and it wasn’t raining. I remember years back lying on my bed with my mom and watching a thunderstorm pass by, it was beautiful. As the lightening was coming closer, your senses were engaging one at a time. You could see the lightening and clouds. Then came the smell of rain, that wonderful smell of wet dirt and rain. You could feel the gusts of wind rolling through the valley, blowing out the dust kicked up in the different fields. You could also feel the growing static in the air, the feeling of lightening about to strike and when it does, there was heat. Finally the storm reached Fresno and you could hear the rolling thunder in response to the cracking lightening. The storm dissipated as the thunderclouds collapsed on themselves leaving a less than expected rain (we thought it was going to be a gnarly violent storm) that helped us go to sleep.

It’s always neat to see nature in ways you don’t always get a chance to see. A local news station has pics you can check out of the storm, but here’s one to wet your whistle on:


It will be a Funky Friday!!! Thursday, May 28 2009 

Tomorrow night is the night, do you have your Tower Tickets yet???

Black-Light-PoetryThose crazy cats over at Fresno Famous have the scoop!

Wednesday Madness Wednesday, May 27 2009 

Have you ever searched for just your first name??

The Wikipedia page is always a fun place to start!

Oh and just because:

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

Do you know what the Hetch is going on?? Tuesday, May 26 2009 

Now if you like the outdoors and you’re around California you’re probably stoked to head up to Yosemite, right? But what if you thought about bipassing Yosemite and going to a hidden gem?


View from the road on the way into the Valley

Hetch Hetchy is in the northern part of Yosemite National Park and provides a non-tourist invaded look at a glacier carved valley and numerous sights to be seen. We drove to the O’Shaughnessy Dam that you see in the picture above and from there we hiked to the waterfall you see in the picture as well. All in all it was a 5 mile hike. There were amazing rock faces to look at, flowers and poison oak to see and a few critters as well!

Here’s some pics:


Parking lot at O’Shaughnessy Dam101_0571


101_0573The dam was really flowing with all the snow melt!101_0577
View from the trail from the other side of the dam
A very calm Western Rattlesnake that was about 500 yards into the hike. He was about 3 feet and the rattles say he’s about 11 years old.
About half way to the waterfall. You could hear the roaring water echo off the opposite wall of the valley.
Rainbow off the mist from the waterfall.
101_0585Standing to the left of the waterfall.
101_0590Standing to the right of the waterfall.
101_0592We got saoked from the waterfall so we sat on a rock and ate some lunch and this is the view.
101_0593Saying goodbye to Yosemite from the back window of the Mountain-Bot.

It was a great day. The hike took us about 2.5 hours to complete and the day could not have been better. So, for all you adventurers out there, try hetch Hetchy the next time you’re up in the Yosemite National Park, huh??

Da Count: Memorial Day Weekend! Friday, May 22 2009 

dacountThis weekend brings Memorial Day and a holiday is always worth celebrating. Things are getting started tonight with a MAY Birthday Party at the Grill, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAY!!!

Saturday should be ok but it’s Sunday that’s really going to be a blast! BBQ and possibly hiking up in the mountains and friends in town visiting. Good eats, lots of celebrating and good times are to be had! Oh and sleeping in! Yay!

Happy Friday and may your Memorial Day be wonderful!

I Scream, You Scream… Thursday, May 21 2009 

we all scream for ICE CREAM!!!!

Ice CreamI’ve been craving the yummy cold ice cream treat for a while now… and I think I’m going to actually buckle down and go get some after work today! Yummy!!!

There’s a nasty rumor going around about how it’s bad for you…. Bah! All in moderation, right? RIGHT????


So yeah, it’ll be off to Scoops (the local ice cream shoppe in the Tower) and I’ll partake in the yummy goodness that is a waffle cone dripping with melting Mint ‘n Chip ice cream!


New Albums, Which one are you gettin?? Wednesday, May 20 2009 

blackout-2busta-rhymes-back-on-my-bsEminem_Relapse_CoverArtTell me what you think about the albums 🙂

Book Review: Confessions of a Shopaholic Wednesday, May 20 2009 

Ok, so I finished the book yesterday and some thoughts….

Rebecca Bloomwood is totally clueless, in a kinda adorable way. She’s smart when she’s not thinking about it and I think Luke Brandon pegs her correctly in the book by saying “You’ve got imagination”. She does. She’s hopelessly lacking self control and it’s a little overboard in the first 200 pages of the book. I mean you really start to analyze your own spending habits reading this book wondering if those Target sprees are really any different (or at least that’s what Iwas doing). I found myself rooting for her though, I wanted her to get a hold of her life… and maybe there’s hope for her yet.

The obsession hasn’t hit as hard as the Twilight obsession hit, but it’s there. I want to read the other books in the series and see if she ends up with the guy and how she takes over Manhattan and all that jazz. So… it’s off to amazon to rouse up some book sales and get the series. Luckily I have Annals of a Former World to read through before all of that though.

I’ll of course watch the movie and report back to the similarities and differences of the book… after reading the synopsis of the movie, i think they are very different.

Oh and tonight, we’re going to try and make our own alfredo sauce for pasta! Yay! And Monday night we learned that you can put baking soda in a marinade, have it react with the acidic components already in the marinade and not have it ruin the meal! Yay!!!

Next Book on the List: Monday, May 18 2009 

confessionsCuriosity has killed the cat, will it be the next obsession where all the books in the series must be consumed at an alarming speed? We’ll see… I’ll tell you how it is.

Oh and I’m also going to start reading this:

annals So I can be on Halo’s level. 🙂

Da Count: Star Trek Friday, May 15 2009 

star_trek_mirror_imagesLast night we went to see Star trek on the IMAX… it was cool. I continually misreferenced Star Trek and Star Wars… LOL. There was a trio of Trek fans (I wouldn’t say Trekkies though) who were ahead of us in the line and they kept on correcting me, which egged me on to make more jokes about it. Halo told me, if any of the Trekkies started to beat me up he’d watch… LOL.

The movie was cool. I burst into laughter when Dr. McCoy was introduced as a hypochondriac who is scared of space and flying. All the catch phrases from the series. The bad guy was thrillingly bad. I’m trying not to spoil anything in case you haven’t seen it yet, but it’s a very good flick. At times I thought the action was too jerky (camerawise) and fast that made my head spin, especially in the IMAX. But all in all it was a good movie and I really enjoyed certain performances (Scotty ROCKS!!!). 

dacountMy Da Count is those Star Trek fans that were able to  laugh at my mistakes and jokes, assume that Halo was taking me to the movie I had NO idea about (although I’ve seen all the Trek movies, I just couldn’t get Star Wars outta my head), and for an over all great movie. You gotta love a promised action packed movie that delivers.

Live Long and Prosper!

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