Argh! Tuesday, Aug 25 2009 

As much as I’d like to be I am not computer savvy.

I need help! I’m looking for an online application that is on wordpress and that will feed into a database. I want to decide what goes into the database. Can I create an application form? For the Rogue Festival, we are trying to revamp some stuff and I simply do not have the knowledge or wherewith all to be able to master this task. Grrr! Does someone out there have any suggestions. Whenever I search it, I get those silly apps…. thank you iPhone, you bitch.

Still on the job hunt. I’m looking for a full time job that will sustain me. I’m also needing to make sure I can get benefits somewheres. ::sigh:: I am extremely thankful to those of you that have sent warm wishes and positive thoughts. I’m hoping something will turn around here in the near future!

In the meantime, working the Grill and hiking and taking yoga and trying not to fall into the deepest darkest depression I’ve known in a while. It’s on the brink, but I don’t want to fall into the void. Thus the reason I’m babbling on like this. Forcing myself to get up and do something rather than the nothing I’ve allowed myself to do. I’ll be applying for the new Macy’s store that’s opening soon… we’ll see if maybe I’ll get a call back.

I had a really good interview a week or so ago, but my credit score is so shoddy that I wasn’t an eligible candidate for the job….SUCKS!

So…. onward and upward. Positive thoughts are much appreciated!

Yoga Thursday, Aug 20 2009 

This morning I was in front of the Brass Unicorn at 9:45 am. There’s an hour long yoga class in the back room and it was absolutely amazing. I’ve never done yoga before but this class was perfect for those newbies (like myself) and those more experienced yoga-ists. It was a little intimidating because I know none of the poses, downward facing dog and such… but the instructor was really descriptive in her instructions so it was easy to follow. She lead the small class (one of the best things is that it was a small class, more intimate) through the different poses and stretches. My core was found and I was able to sluff off the stress of money woes and jobless worries and just focus on my inner health. It was really nice and I feel more balanced because of it. I highly recommend the class. The instructors are from Sister Yoga, so if you aren’t in the Tower, you can catch one of their classes.

I love Yoga!

I’ve been MIA Tuesday, Aug 18 2009 

With a severe case of computer-phobia. It’s stifling and maybe losing my job has made it that much harder…. so I’ve vowing to conquer and get my butt in gear. Blogging, comenting and maintaining my comittments. So you’ll see me working a lot on the Rogue Fesitval…. as such we’re getting back into full swing. Also check out Fright Night, I’m not a major player this year, but will pop my head in there sometimes.

I have pics from the last 2 hikes I”ll upload too…. oy! So much work and such a lack of motivation. Solitaire not happy. Solitaire is kicking her own ass now and will take names.